Saturday, February 15, 2014

Grand Haven and a Frozen Lake Michigan

We visited Holland State Park last month and thought we'd visit Grand Haven this afternoon. It was in the 20's (heat wave), the sun was shining, and it wasn't snowing, miracle of miracles. The state park parking lot was jammed with cars stopped willy nilly, hoping that a family was leaving and not arriving. Lucky for us, a walking departing couple alerted us to an open parking place. We knew the lake was frozen but these first views were still amazing. Hundreds of people were spread out on the lake.
We stayed on the jetty down to the lighthouse but finally took the plunge down to the lake to see the icy lighthouse.

There was so much camaraderie and everyone was taking pictures of themselves and everyone else.
It was like a giant playground with kids and sleds and dogs and laughter.

 Some fish-eye views.
Walking on the moon.
Arctic scenes.
Kids were trying to break through the ice, and others were drinking wine from their lawn chairs or taking pictures of ice chunks. Mostly people were just enjoying the novelty of walking on water.

Walking back we could see how far out on the lake we were.
If we closed our eyes, it could have been a day at the beach ~ children yelling, screaming and having fun.
We shuffled back to shore and although we weren't (all that) nervous about walking on the water, we were happy to reach the shore 😊
Continuing our way back we saw an EMS guy on the jetty carrying a plastic leg cast. Uh oh. Right behind him came this cop and immediately thereafter, the lighthouse foghorn started, calling people in. Yes, those hundreds of people out on the frozen lake, some of them more than a mile from shore.
Back in the parking lot we saw the emergency vehicles and found out a man had fallen through the ice near this jetty. Yes, this one where people were walking to from the lighthouse.
The couple with the "falling in" story was blocked in by the emergency vehicles and not happy, and the stretcher was waiting for the hapless fellow who had fallen in.
While driving out of the park, we saw the cops were blocking further entry and we think they had enough. Party on Lake Michigan ~ over.
Trying to get out of Grand Haven we found one last unfortunate.
 The snow quantity this year is unbelievable but the ice and snow
do deliver a unique beauty. Just don't fall in.

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