It was slowly moving towards Lake Michigan, being pulled through the channel.
Before it disappeared into Lake Michigan, we drove down to the pier to watch the rest of its journey through the channel.
Zooming in for a few last photos, I got some complete with bird ~ perfect :-)
The ship straightened out in the lake and headed North.
Off she went. For more information on the historic St Marys Challenger (built in 1906 and converted into a barge in 2013), here's an article. And here's a one minute video from today.The other interesting boat in the above photo is a dredge. It was pumping sand from that side of the channel to this side.
Reclaiming beach.
The dredge looked to me like a bunch of people had tied their boats together for a party.
The pier has a new look with some major repairs completed this year.
No repairs have been made between the lighthouses so that's still rough.